A care home arranged an evening of bingo, raising money for a popular place of worship in the community.

The event took place at a community building where everyone played games of bingo and participated in a raffle, with every person leaving with a prize.

Shipdham Manor care home organised the event which raked in £400 for the local church.

The lively evening was orchestrated by Chelsea Mears and her team and was attended by many people from the area.

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One resident, Audrey, was a hair's breadth away from bagging £36, missing out by only one number.

The atmosphere stayed positive at the function, even after the close call.

Meanwhile, resident Sheila, despite initial apprehensions about participating, said: "I was in two minds about going, but I'm so glad Chelsea convinced me.

"Although she did have a bit of trouble pushing me up the hill in my wheelchair!"

The highlight of the night was not just the bingo, but the communal support the event garnered for the church.

Activities co-ordinator, Chelsea Mears, said: "It felt incredibly rewarding to see everyone come together for a night of fun and laughter.

"The support from Rachel, Jess, and all the lovely ladies made the evening truly special."

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Chelsea pledged Shipdham Manor’s ongoing backing and involvement for the church's projects.

The venture’s success has also sparked excitement for future events at the care home, fortifying the sense of community in Shipdham, Norfolk.

Those interested in lending support to Shipdham Manor or arranging a visit, may reach out to the home at 01362 709770.