Controversial plans to decorate Dereham's town centre with three murals are back on the drawing board. 

Breckland Council’s £34,000 'Memoirs through Murals' project was put on hold after it was labelled a "waste of money" and confidential details about it were made public in February.

But now, Councillor Paul Claussen, Breckland's executive member for economic development and growth, said he would discuss the future of the project with councillors Harry Clarke, Linda Monument and Alison Webb.

Dereham Times: Paul Claussen, executive member for economic development and growth at BrecklandPaul Claussen, executive member for economic development and growth at Breckland (Image: Breckland Council)

Mr Claussen said: “I will be having a meeting with them to finally see where we go.

"The money will be spent with regard to Future Breckland work because the mandate there is that is what the people told us they wanted.”

The murals would "depict the memories and stories of local people from all generations".

Mr Clarke, Labour councillor for Dereham Withburga ward, has long been opposed to spending money on such a project during the cost-of-living crisis.

Mr Clarke said: “I made my position very clear last August when I said that reluctantly I could no longer support this project given the cost-of-living crisis, although I wanted to see long-lasting and ideally evidenced based improvements to the public realm in Dereham."

Dereham Times: Harry Clarke, Labour councillor for Dereham WithburgaHarry Clarke, Labour councillor for Dereham Withburga (Image: Archant)

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Mrs Webb and Mrs Monument added, in a joint statement: “We would also like to say that it was over two years ago since all Dereham councillors voted unanimously to use the market town initiative (MTI) for a mural trail to encourage visitors to come to our town.

“Things are very different now and the MTI scheme has finished.

"We are waiting for the meeting with Mr Claussen and other Dereham members to hear any options going forward before making any decisions.”