Just eight years after a severe heart attack, care home administrator Michael Radbourne has completed his dream of running the London Marathon, raising funds for Dementia UK.

Mr Radbourne, who works at Sanford House in Dereham, had prior runs in London in 2008 and 2013 but was thwarted by injuries and illness.

Before his departure for the race, colleagues and residents at the care home offered their support, decorating his racing shirt with heartfelt messages.

He honoured a late resident who completed the marathon 40 years prior by adding a badge from the 1984 race to his shirt.

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Mr Radbourne said: “I would have loved to show him the medal and share my story with him, as he had done with me.”

His race coincided with his wife Rebecca's birthday and a visit to the Disney 100 Exhibition, held at the Excel Centre in London along with the Marathon.

He finished the marathon beating his previous best time in London by 12 minutes and is planning to participate in the Manchester Marathon in 2025.