A walk from Mattishall to Dereham was organised on Bank Holiday Monday by the Dereham group Walkers are Welcome.

A Konectbus took the party to Mattishall where their walk took them along paths out of the village, then country lanes and field edge tracks, to reach refreshments.

They continued across the open land in the Tud Valley, arriving back in Dereham.

Further walks will be arranged later in the year, open to anyone wanting to join in.

Dereham Walkers are Welcome is a small voluntary group, looking for further members to help meet its aims and plan more walks. It is holding its Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Thursday, June 15, at Church House, Dereham, and is particularly looking for people who could set up social media, and act as a first aider or just help out.

Contact Ken Hawkins on 07505 426750 or email dtc.fpwarden@talktalk.net or visit the website www.DerehamWaW.org.uk.